IA Blog

Inclusion & Accessibility
Person using a refreshable braille display attached to a computer

Digital accessibility will democratise technology in 2023

In theory, the internet has become democratised, with digital products and services available globally to all. In practice, we know well that this is not the case. The perception of technology as a great enabler comes with a caveat: for many, the internet and all its assets are not accessible.

Stack of folders containing files

Creating Accessible PDFs

PDFs are considered universal documents: regardless of what software or device someone is using, they will be able to open a PDF file. But this doesn’t mean they will be able to read the PDF if the necessary accessibility features are missing.

Letter, number and keyboard keys on a white background

2.1.1 and 2.1.2: Keyboard and No Keyboard Trap

2.1.1 Keyboard and 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap are level A success criteria in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). They are related to the use of keyboards on websites.

Christmas tree decorated with lights and ID's from tech conferences, and a sign with the IA Labs logo at the top of the tree

IA Labs Recap of 2022

On 27th April, Inclusion & Accessibility Labs was officially launched. Since then, we have had some amazing moments. Here is a quick recap of our growth in 2022!

Bank of Ireland logo

Bank of Ireland Case Study

Although they are part of the private sector, Bank of Ireland has begun their accessibility journey. They are taking part in IA Labs’ subscription service where they receive design and UX consultations and accessibility reviews of new app features on a monthly basis.

Dublin Airport Authority logo

Dublin Airport Authority Case Study

In early 2022, DAA engaged with IA Labs for a full accessibility audit of the Dublin Airport website and mobile app. Their main focus is now working through the results of this audit and implementing fixes, especially to the app and key user journeys on their website.

An Post logo

An Post Case Study

An Post are dedicated to making their digital platforms accessible. As they work through the results of an audit of key user journeys on their website and consult with IA Labs on new features, their accessibility statement depicts their journey and the progress that they’re making.